Se anche il “grande vecchio” della sanità USA lo ammette, ci direte che siamo negazionisti?
In questo podcast: (July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week In Virology”), Tony Fauci sottolinea:
…che il test PCR COVID è inutile e fuorviante quando il test viene eseguito a “35 cicli o più”. Un risultato positivo, indicante un’infezione, non può essere accettato o creduto.
Ma – dirà qualcuno – cosa può cambiare da 36 a 40? Il 10% in più nel numero di cicli cosa cambia?
Se ricordate quanto scritto in questo post, e cioè:
- la PCR è una tecnica di amplificazione del DNA;
- si avvale di cicli fra due soglie di temperatura, circa 60 e 90;
- a 90 la catena a doppia elica si apre (immaginate una cerniera che si apre)
- a 60 si riformano, dalle due metà precedenti, due strutture complete,
è evidente che ogni ciclo fa un “X 2″; quindi l’amplificazione è funzione esponenziale del numero di cicli.
Continuando fino a 40:
- 2 alla 10 = 1024
- 2 alla 20 = 1 Milione
- 2 alla 30 = 1 Miliardo
- 2 alla 40 = 1000 Miliardi
e la funzione assume questa forma, già vista in questo post:
Ma quante ne fanno i laboratori? Leggiamo le linee guida dell’FDA:
… un campione è considerato positivo per il virus se tutte le curve di crescita della soglia del ciclo 2019-nCoV (N1, N2) superano la linea della soglia entro 40,00 cicli ([meno di] 40,00 Ct). “
Naturalmente, i laboratori di test che leggono questa linea guida concludono: “Bene, per vedere se il virus è presente in un paziente, dovremo eseguire il test fino a 40 cicli. Questo è il consiglio ufficiale.”
E questo è stato fatto nella fase in cui serviva creare allarmismo relativo alla contagiosità (la fase 2, ricordate?)
- Questi sono numeri
- Questa è matematica.
- Questa è scienza.
Quali prove avete voi?
Voi, cari Mattarella, Speranza, Conte, Draghi, che prove ci portate
- per chiuderci in casa,
- per impedirci di uscire la sera,
- per impedirci di andare a trovare gli amici,
- per far fallire l’Italia?
Voi, che mentite per iscritto nei vostri DPCM?
Voi, che non sapete neanche di cosa parlate, dopo un anno che i numeri vengono ripetuti ossessivamente?
Voi, che confondete 2 milioni con 2.000?
Voi, che mentite sparando affermazioni a caso, smentite dai fatti?
1. “Scientists Show COVID Tests Are ‘Useless’, Are Based on ‘Flawed Science’
The ‘worldwide misdiagnosis of infections’ stemming from the tests has resulted in ‘stringent lockdowns which have destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods,’ the scientists argue.”, by Michael Haynes for Global Research
10 December 2020
The original scientific paper establishing RT-PCR tests as the way to identify COVID-19 in individuals, thus fueling the lockdowns across the globe, has been thoroughly debunked by scientists, who call the tests “useless” and “completely unsuitable” to find COVID-19, given they were developed without even having access to the virus itself.
The recently published report examined the original Corman-Drosten paper, in which Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR/PCR) tests were proposed as a validated means to detect COVID-19. The protocol proposed is used in around 70% of tests globally and by over one hundred governments. These tests promptly became the motivating factor behind the international phenomenon of nation-wide lockdowns, as cases of the virus were reported to rise.
But a group of 22 independent scientists, termed the International Consortium of Scientists in Life Sciences (ICSLS), have studied and reviewed the Corman-Drosten (CD) paper, finding “numerous technical and scientific errors,” noting that neither the “test nor the manuscript itself fulfils the requirements for an acceptable scientific publication.” They dubbed the CD paper as “flawed science” and called its authors “intellectually dishonest.”
The group presents “ten fatal problems” with the Corman-Drosten paper, and concludes that there is no other choice “but to retract the publication.” Each of the problems is described as being sufficient on its own to render the PCR test “useless as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” The ICSLS report highlights the “worldwide misdiagnosis of infections” stemming from the CD protocols, resulting in “stringent lockdowns which have destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods.”
Lead author of the ICSLS report is Dr. Pieter Borger, an expert on the molecular biology of gene expression, and among the co-authors is Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President of vaccine company Pfizer.
Riferimento e proseguimento:
2. Breve commento finale.
A. Da notare che anche sui PCR Test su TV e giornaloni tuttora vige una censura totale delle critiche fatte da fior di scienziati, insomma, già soo il fatto che c’è una censura del genere vuol dire che hanno i carboni bagnati fradici, insomma, Orwell gli spiccia casa!!
B. Questa la premesa dell’articolo:
“All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).”
ergo, anche l’articolo appena segnalato è disponibile tradotto in italiano ma la traduzione in italiano dell’articolo originale inglese è poco fluida, ragione per cui l’ho segnalata solo in inglese, ma con le giuste correzioni la sua traduzione in italiano può diventare sufficientemente fluida.
3. Complimenti per l’ottimo articolo, cordiali saluti e buona giornata.
“Shocking News Regarding PCR Test” by Dr. Vernon Coleman . First Part.
“Shocking News Regarding PCR Test” by Dr. Vernon Coleman . Second Part.
Questo il paragrafo a cui Dr. Vernon Coleman si riferice nel video della prima parte contenuto nel precedente post.
6. SARS-CoV-2 re-testing in staff, patients and residents in health and social care settings
Immunocompetent staff, patients and residents who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR should be exempt from routine re-testing by PCR or LFD antigen tests (for example, repeated whole setting screening or screening prior to hospital discharge) within a period of 90 days from their initial illness onset or test (if asymptomatic) unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms. This is because fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory tract samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.
Da sottolineare con il pennarello rosso:
This is because fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory tract samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.
“Shocking News Regarding PCR Test” by Dr. Vernon Coleman . Third Part.
Questa la trascrizione in inglese del suo dscorso video segnalato nella prima parte.
Go to the UK government’s website called and look for a guidance report called `Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients or residents in health and social care settings.’
The report appears under the heading Public Health England and it was updated on 28th January 2021.
Scroll down to section 6 which is headed `Sars-cov-2 re-testing in staff, patients and residents in health and social care settings’.
Here is the whole of the first paragraph:
`Immunocompetent staff, patients and residents who have tested positive for sars-cov-2 by PCR should be exempt from routine re-testing by PCR or LFD antigen tests (for example, repeated whole setting screening or screening prior to hospital discharge) within a period of 90 days from their initial illness onset or test (if asymptomatic) unless they develop new covid-19 symptoms. This is because fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory tract samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’
Now, set aside the fact that the paragraph was to me darned near incomprehensible and concentrate on the final paragraph.
And you will find this choice section: `fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory samples following infection –long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’
And that is exactly why I and other doctors have been arguing for months that the PCR test is unreliable and not fit for purpose.
I’ll repeat what the UK Government says: `fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’
So, now I’d like the fact checkers and the pseudo journalists who have accused me of publishing misinformation to get down on their knees and start grovelling.
Because the UK government is saying exactly what I and other doctors have been saying for months.
The PCR test picks up fragments of inactive virus when a patient is no longer infectious.
And it appears that the UK Government must now agree with me: the PCR test is useless and should be abandoned.
Fact checkers, pseudojournalists, politicians and members of the twitterati should publish their grovelling apologies immediately.
I’ll repeat it once more for those fact checkers who are a little slow on the uptake:
The UK Government says that the PCR test picks up fragments of inactive virus when a patient is no longer infectious.
1. Biography of Dr. Vernon Coleman
Vernon Coleman was educated at Queen Mary’s Grammar School in Walsall, Staffs. He then spent a year as a Community Service Volunteer in Liverpool where he was the first of Alec Dickson’s ‘catalysts’. (Ref 1 below). He studied medicine at Birmingham Medical School and qualified as a doctor in 1970. He has worked both in hospitals and as a GP. He resigned from the health service on a matter of principle. (Ref 2 below).
Vernon Coleman has organised many campaigns concerning iatrogenesis, drug addiction and the abuse of animals and has given evidence to committees at the House of Commons and the House of Lords. For example, he gave evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Animals in Scientific Procedures (2001-2) on Tuesday 12.2.02
Dr Coleman’s campaigns have often proved successful. For example, after a 15 year campaign (which started in 1973) he eventually persuaded the British Government to introduce stricter controls governing the prescribing of benzodiazepine tranquillisers. (`Dr Vernon Coleman’s articles, to which I refer with approval, raised concern about these important matters,’ said the Parliamentary Secretary for Health in the House of Commons in 1988.) (Ref 3 below)
Dr Coleman has worked as a columnist for numerous national newspapers including The Sun, The Daily Star, The Sunday Express, Sunday Correspondent and The People. He once wrote three columns at the same time for national papers (he wrote them under three different names, Dr Duncan Scott in The Sunday People, Dr James in The Sun and Dr Vernon Coleman in the Daily Star). At the same time he was also writing weekly columns for the Evening Times in Glasgow and for the Sunday Scot. His syndicated columns have appeared in over 50 regional newspapers in the United Kingdom and his columns and articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world. Dr Coleman resigned from The People in 2003 when the editor refused to print a column criticising the Government’s decision to start the Iraq War. (Ref 6 below)
He has contributed articles and stories to hundreds of other publications including The Sunday Times, Observer, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Punch, Woman, Woman’s Own, The Lady, Spectator and British Medical Journal. He was the founding editor of the British Clinical Journal. For many years he wrote a monthly newsletter called Dr Vernon Coleman’s Health Letter. He has worked with the Open University and has lectured doctors and nurses on a variety of medical matters.
Vernon Coleman has presented numerous programmes on television and radio and was the original breakfast television doctor on TV AM. He was television’s first agony uncle (on BBC1’s The Afternoon Show) and presented three TV series based on his bestselling book Bodypower.
In the 1980s he wrote the algorithms for the first computerised health programmes – which sold around the world to those far-sighted individuals who had bought the world’s first home computers. (Ref 4 and 5 below).
His books have been published in the UK by Arrow, Pan, Penguin, Corgi, Mandarin, Star, Piatkus, RKP, Thames and Hudson, Sidgwick and Jackson, Macmillan and many other leading publishing houses and translated into 25 languages. English language versions sell in the USA, Australia, Canada and South Africa as well as the UK. Several of his books have appeared on both the Sunday Times and Bookseller bestseller lists.
Altogether, he has written over 100 books which have, together, sold over two million copies in the UK alone.
Riferimento e proseguimento:
2. Per un breve commento finales se ne parla domani, cordiali saluti e buona serata.
1. Per unire ulteriormente i puntini.
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID
Definition of HCID
In the UK, a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) is defined according to the following criteria:
acute infectious disease
typically has a high case-fatality rate
may not have effective prophylaxis or treatment
often difficult to recognise and detect rapidly
ability to spread in the community and within healthcare settings
requires an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely
Riferimento e proseguimento:
2. Breve commento finale.
Già il 19 marzo del 2020 il governo britannico stabiliva che il Covid-19 non può essere considerata una malattia infettiva ad alte conseguenze , inoltre per non farsi mancare niente, il governo britannico quest’anno nelle linee guida riguardanti la procedura per un nuovo test al Sars-cov-2 per il personale, i pazienti e i residenti in ambienti di assistenza sanitaria e sociale ammette indirettamente, facendo finta di niente, che il PCR test è fallato gravemente e giustamente invece il Dr. Vernon Coleman lo segnala con il pennarello rosso!!
Insomma, titoloni allarmanti sui giornaloni e TV dalla mattina alla sera da un anno a questa parte per il Covid-19, ma stringendo il succo è solo:
Much Ado About Nothing = Molto Rumore Per Nulla!!
Ergo, la creazione di un rumore continuo assordante del genere basato sul nulla sostanziale ha fnalità ben diverse, vedasi a tale proposito “The Great Reset” ( Il Grande Reset ) , l’agenda economica e sociale di carattere altamente distopico concepita dalle menti psicopatiche delle elites di Davos, that’s it!!
Cordiali saluti e buon sabato.